Regardless of the reason, it’s never easy when an employee leaves your company. Yet, the offboarding process is often overlooked, even though it’s arguably one of the most important parts of the employee life cycle.
You may have the misconception that paying attention to an employee who is leaving the office is a waste of time, but having a formal offboarding process in place is good for business. Proper offboarding ensures that exiting employees experience a smooth transition. It helps them feel respected and supported, even as they leave the organization.
Additionally, it provides the employer with an opportunity to gather feedback, maintain positive relationships, and protect sensitive information. It’s also a good way for a company to reevaluate other processes within their organization such as recruitment, onboarding and training, and performance management.
Reputation is important. Make offboarding a priority!
Making sure an employee’s exit is pleasant not only bolsters an organization’s reputation—it also helps in the hunt for new talent. According to research conducted by our human capital management (HCM) partner, isolved, word of mouth matters when it comes to recruiting.
HR leaders were asked what they consider to be their most valuable recruiting tool…
- 26% say employee referrals
- 24% say employee review sites
Offboarding Done Right
By prioritizing offboarding, companies demonstrate their commitment to professionalism, integrity, and employee well-being, even during times of transition. Here are some things to consider, along with tips to ensure it’s done the right way:
Promote Compliance, Avoid Lawsuits – State laws vary when dictating how the departing employee is paid, and which benefits remain (and for how long).
Ensure a Smooth Transition – A cooperative former employee will help ensure day-to-day operations run smoothly, and critical functions don’t fall through the cracks.
Glean Insights – Throughout the offboarding process, valuable insights can be gathered to further improve the employee experience.
Let Them Help Themselves – Soon to be former employees have quite a bit to wrap up before they depart. Allow them to take control of their offboarding tasks through self-service.
Visualize Workflows – The leaving process can be arduous and disparate for HR teams. Make it easy to keep track of each offboarding task from start to finish.
Automate, Automate, Automate – There are a litany of tasks to be completed for a departing employee. Streamline administrative tasks, including the collection of assets to enable leave payout.
Learn Through Leaving – A departing employee leaves behind a mountain of data. Find gold by capturing and storing data throughout the process and analyze trends to support recruiting and retention efforts.
Saying goodbye can be hard to do. Enable a smooth departure by automating administrative tasks and offer a modern, streamlined offboarding process.
Learn more about how Counter Point HCM can help you create a superior offboarding process. Request a call today!