Best Practices for Effective Job Postings

In today’s competitive hiring environment, crafting an effective job posting is crucial. Considering that 75% of resumes are rejected before they reach the hiring manager, the key challenge is to write a description that attracts top talent while minimizing the number of unqualified applicants. 

Below are some best practices for writing your job posts, along with examples of effective and ineffective job postings. Creating a compelling job post involves several key elements. Here are some tips to help you make a strong first impression:

Make it Stand Out

Your job title should be more than just the position name. Add a hook or a few enticing details to make it stand out. For example, instead of simply posting “Call Center Representative,” enhance it with phrases like “Flexible Work with Growth Opportunities.” This can capture the interest of potential candidates who are looking for more than just a job title.

Highlight Your Culture

Give candidates a glimpse into what it’s like to work at your company. Include information about your culture, values, and team environment. Highlighting what makes your company unique can help prospective employees connect with your mission and envision themselves as part of your team.

Feature Key Benefits

Make your job posting stand out by listing the top perks your company offers. Be aware of current trends in employee benefits and ensure you highlight points that will resonate with job seekers. This could include health benefits, retirement plans, professional development opportunities, and more.

Share Key Aspects of the Job

Provide an overview of the most exciting and important aspects of the role. While you should avoid getting bogged down in excessive details, including key features of the job can help generate enthusiasm among prospective employees. This might include significant responsibilities, potential projects, or unique challenges associated with the role.

Focus on Flexibility

In today’s job market, flexibility is a highly valued perk. If the position is remote or offers the option to work from home part of the time, be sure to mention it. Additionally, provide details about the job’s location and whether you offer relocation assistance. Flexibility can be a significant draw for many candidates, so highlighting this aspect can give you a competitive edge.

For Example…

To illustrate these points, consider the following:

Good Job Post

Title: “Customer Service Representative – Flexible Work with Growth Opportunities”

Description: “Join our dynamic team and help us deliver outstanding customer service. At [Company Name], we value innovation, teamwork, and growth. Our employees enjoy a collaborative work environment, comprehensive health benefits, and ongoing professional development. This role offers the flexibility to work from home several days a week. If you’re passionate about helping others and eager to advance your career, we’d love to hear from you.”

Poor Job Post

Title: “Customer Service Representative”

Description: “Looking for a customer service representative. Must have good communication skills and be able to handle complaints.”

By following these tips and examples, you can create job postings that effectively attract top talent and make a positive first impression. If you need help perfecting your recruiting efforts, request a call with us today.

Navigating Pay Transparency

Pay Transparency (or salary transparency/wage transparency) is the practice of openly sharing compensation information with employees and job candidates. This often includes disclosing salary ranges for job postings and providing this information to current employees upon request, creating an open and equal environment.

A dozen states currently require or will soon require pay transparency, and the list continues to grow. Some of these laws mandate that employers list their intended pay range for a role in any publicized job description. This applies to workers in California, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New York (with specific laws in New York City, Ithaca, and Westchester County), Jersey City (New Jersey), Vermont, Washington, and Washington, D.C.

Other laws specify that job seekers are entitled to the pay range at certain stages of the hiring process, such as during the first interview or when receiving an offer. In some cases, candidates can request this information, while in others, the hiring manager must provide it proactively. These laws are enforced in Connecticut, Maryland, Nevada, Cincinnati, and Toledo (Ohio), and Rhode Island.

What This Means for You

Pay transparency is likely to impact your business if it hasn’t already. It is estimated that 1 in 3 workers will be impacted by pay transparency laws by 2025. This practice tends to promote greater pay equity by holding companies accountable for fair pay practices. It can also attract more talent and reduce inefficiencies in the hiring process, as candidates who are aware of salary ranges upfront are more likely to be satisfied with the offered compensation. 

Additional benefits include increased employee trust, retention, and engagement. However, pay transparency may also require employers to quickly reformulate pay practices and could expose your company to the risk of competitors poaching employees.

What You Can Do

Regardless of whether your state currently mandates pay transparency, it is advisable to review and ensure that salaries are equitable and aligned with your company’s pay strategy. Developing a comprehensive pay strategy and updating pay ranges is recommended. Conducting a salary analysis and creating a structured salary framework, either internally or with the help of a third party, can be highly beneficial. Additionally, having a thorough communication plan to introduce the new salary ranges once the project is completed is essential.

Note: For informational purposes only. This is not legal advice.

To learn more about how Counter Point can help support your compliance needs, request a call today!

New Jersey RetireReady: What Employers Need to Know

According to a recent survey conducted by AARP, a concerning one in five Americans over the age of 50 have no retirement savings, and more than half (61%) worry they will not have enough money to support them through their golden years. 

To help private-sector employees in New Jersey save for retirement, the State has launched “RetireReady NJ”, a program created by the New Jersey Secure Choice Savings Program Act and signed into law in 2019. With the rising concern over the retirement savings gap, this program aims to provide more workers in New Jersey with access to retirement savings plans.

What does this mean for employers?

Employers with 25 or more employees, that have been in business for at least two years without offering a qualified plan, are affected by this program.

The State has announced implementation deadlines for the RetireReady retirement program as follows:

  • Businesses with 40+ employees must comply by September 15, 2024
  • Businesses with 25-39 employees must comply by November 15, 2024

The New Jersey Department of the Treasury oversees compliance–employers who fail to register may be subject to hefty financial penalties.

What should employers do?

Employers can access resources and support through the New Jersey Retire Ready NJ website. The site offers detailed information, guidance, and tools to help businesses comply with the mandates and educate employees about the benefits.

Although signing up with the RetireReady program will allow you to comply with these mandates and fast-forward your ability to provide a retirement program to your employees, it’s not your only choice.  

You have options when it comes to complying with the New Jersey state mandate! Counter Point works with leading companies that provide qualifying retirement and 401(k) programs. We’d be happy to connect you, so they can provide you with resources and guidance on what your business needs to do to comply. 

For more information or assistance with compliance, don’t hesitate to schedule a call or send us an email

The bottom line

The New Jersey RetireReady mandates represent a significant step forward in promoting retirement savings among employees. By providing access to retirement plans and encouraging savings, you can help your workforce prepare for a more secure and comfortable retirement!

Note: For informational purposes only. This is not legal advice.

Best Practices for Effective Job Interviews

According to a recent Forbes article, 42% of candidates decline job offers as a direct result of a bad interview experience. What’s causing the unfavorable experience? 45% of negative reviewers cited the interviewers and 52% noted the overall hiring process. 

When it comes to hiring new talent, the job interview process is crucial. It’s the key to finding the right person for the right role. A well-conducted interview can reveal a candidate’s skills, personality, and potential fit within your organization. It can also boost the odds of having the ideal candidate accept your offer.

Here’s how you can ensure your interview process is thorough, effective, and a positive experience for both you and the candidate.

1. Involve the Right People

One of the first steps in conducting an effective interview is involving the appropriate team members. Depending on the stage of the interview, different individuals may need to participate. For instance:

  • Screening Interviews: These initial interviews are often handled by the HR department or an outside recruiter. Their primary goal is to filter out candidates who do not meet the basic requirements for the role.
  • Formal Interviews: Typically, these are conducted by the hiring manager and the candidate. The hiring manager dives deeper into the candidate’s qualifications and compatibility with the team and company culture.
  • Second or Third-Round Interviews: At this stage, it can be beneficial to include colleagues, other staff members, or even executives. This approach provides diverse perspectives on the candidate and ensures that multiple stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process.

2. Put the Candidate at Ease

Creating a comfortable environment for the candidate can lead to a more honest and open conversation. Thank them for their interest and help them relax by starting with small talk or general company information. This applies to virtual meetings as well. Next, outline the key responsibilities and duties of the job early in the conversation. This clarity helps candidates understand what is expected of them and can guide their responses. 

When asking your questions, give the candidate ample time to respond, and avoid interrupting. This not only shows respect but also allows the candidate to fully express their thoughts and experiences. Encourage the candidate to ask questions as well, fostering a two-way conversation.

3. Prepare Questions in Advance

A structured interview process is essential for fair and consistent evaluation. Develop a specific set of questions that you ask all potential hires. This consistency enables you to compare candidates objectively and ensures that all applicants are evaluated on the same criteria.

In addition, a structured approach can protect your organization from potential allegations of discrimination in hiring. By having a standardized set of questions, you demonstrate that all candidates are given equal opportunity to showcase their abilities and qualifications.

4. Share Next Steps

Ending the interview on a clear and positive note is just as important as starting it well. Provide the candidate with a timeline for the selection process, including when they can expect to hear back from you. This transparency helps manage their expectations and shows respect for their time and interest.

Additionally, clearly outlining the next steps demonstrates your organization’s professionalism and can leave a lasting positive impression on the candidate. Even if the candidate is not selected, a well-communicated process can encourage them to reapply for future opportunities or recommend your company to others.

Conducting an effective job interview requires thoughtful planning and consideration. By including the right individuals, putting candidates at ease, preparing questions ahead of time, and clearly outlining the next steps, you create a structured and positive interview experience. This method not only helps you identify the best fit for your role but also enhances your company’s reputation as an attractive workplace.

To learn more about creating a positive recruitment experience, schedule a call with one of our HCM Consultants. 

New Federal Overtime Rules Take Effect

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) recently introduced a new, final overtime rule, significantly impacting employers and employees, including making more salaried workers eligible for overtime.

In short, the new overtime rule mandates that exempt executive, administrative, and professional employees must be paid at least:   

  • $844 per week ($43,888 per year) beginning July 1, 2024 
  • $1,128 per week ($58,656 per year) beginning January 1, 2025 

Additionally, highly compensated employees must be paid on a salary basis and receive at least: 

  • $132,964 beginning July 1, 2024 
  • $151,164 beginning January 1, 2025 

These employees must meet the duties test and the salary level for the exempt status.  

Maintaining Compliance

Employers will need to devise a plan for how to address these changes to avoid FLSA violations. There are three main steps to take when determining a compliant course of action: 

  • Identify which exempt employees might be affected 
  • Calculate the hours worked by these employees 
  • Evaluate the options and decide how, and how much, these employees will be paid

Employees classified as exempt and earning less than $43,888 need to be identified. It’s important to include total incentive pay such as bonuses and commissions.

Employers must either:  

  • Increase their pay to $43,888 by July 1, 2024 
  • Reclassify them as hourly non-exempt and determine a new hourly rate on their current salary. They will be entitled to overtime pay 
  • Calculate a cost-neutral rate of pay for non-exempt employees as they will be entitled to overtime pay
  • Reclassify them as salaried non-exempt, paying them the same weekly rate for 40 hours or fewer and overtime for any additional hours over 40 in a workweek  

Coverage and Exceptions

The FLSA applies to employers with: 

  • At least two employees engaged in interstate commerce with at least $500,000 in gross annual business 
  • Hospitals, residential care facilities, or schools 
  • Public agencies 

Covered employees include those involved in interstate commerce, domestic service workers like housekeepers, full-time babysitters, and cooks, even if the employer isn’t a covered enterprise. 

The FLSA provides exemptions from the minimum wage and overtime provisions for employees in an executive, administrative, or professional capacity. The “White Collar” exemptions include:  

  • Salary Level Test 
  • Salary Basis Test 
  • Duties Test 

Exempt employees must be paid their full salary for any week they perform work and must meet the above criteria. 

Nonprofit entities, including religious organizations, are generally subject to the same rules. If these organizations engage in interstate commerce (such as ordering from Amazon), they must comply with the FLSA. 

For informational purposes only. This is not legal advice.

To learn more about how Counter Point can help support your compliance needs, request a call today!

9 Recruiting Trends to Overcome Today’s Top Challenges

According to research conducted by our technology partner, isolved, 65% of HR leaders expect recruitment to be just as difficult or more difficult than last year. If you can relate, explore these tactics to help you get a competitive edge. 

Embrace Flexibility

In today’s dynamic work environment, offering hybrid or fully remote work options is essential. Employees increasingly value the ability to work outside traditional office settings, as it allows for a better work-life balance and can boost productivity. Remote work options can also expand your talent pool geographically, enabling you to hire the best candidates regardless of their location. 

Offer Competitive Compensation

With inflation on the rise, it’s crucial to stay competitive by offering attractive salaries. Competitive compensation not only helps in attracting skilled candidates but also in retaining your current employees. Consider additional financial benefits, such as performance bonuses, profit sharing, and comprehensive benefits packages, to make your offers even more compelling.

Prioritize DEI

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are no longer optional but essential components of a modern recruitment strategy. Job seekers, especially from Generation Z, are increasingly prioritizing employers who demonstrate a commitment to DEI. Make DEI a central focus in your talent acquisition efforts by implementing unbiased hiring practices, promoting a diverse workplace culture, and ensuring equitable opportunities for all employees. 

Target College Graduates

With new college graduates entering the job market, it’s beneficial to highlight roles that don’t require extensive experience. This approach can attract fresh talent eager to start their careers and bring new perspectives to your organization. Providing clear career paths and growth opportunities can also make your company an attractive choice for young professionals.

Focus on Employee Wellbeing

High rates of burnout among employees make it crucial to prioritize their well-being. Showcase your commitment to employee happiness and mental health through comprehensive wellness programs, flexible work schedules, and supportive workplace policies. Offer resources such as counseling services, wellness workshops, and regular mental health check-ins. 

Bridge Skill Gaps

To address skill gaps, consider lowering barriers to entry and providing on-the-job training. This approach opens up roles to candidates who may not have specific educational backgrounds or experience but possess the potential to excel. Invest in training and development programs to help employees acquire the necessary skills for their roles. 

Promote Pay Transparency

Even if not legally required, promoting pay transparency by listing salary ranges in job postings can increase the number of applications you receive. Transparent pay practices can build trust with potential hires and set realistic expectations, contributing to a more positive candidate experience.

Consider Retirees

Retirees who are re-entering the workforce represent a valuable pool of experienced talent. Their extensive knowledge and skills can benefit your organization, and they can also contribute to creating an age-diverse workforce. Consider offering part-time, flexible, or consulting roles to attract retirees. Their mentorship and experience can be invaluable in training younger employees and providing stability within your team.

Expand Beyond Full-Time Employees

To address immediate hiring needs and adapt to fluctuating workloads, consider utilizing freelancers or independent contractors for short-term roles. Offering temp-to-permanent positions can also be a strategic approach, allowing you to evaluate a candidate’s fit before making a long-term commitment. 

By adopting these strategies, you can navigate the current recruiting landscape more effectively. But strategy can only take you so far. The right technology streamlines all stages of the hiring process, from recruiting to onboarding, so you get the right people in the right positions, right away. To learn more about our solution, schedule a call with us today.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit: What You Need to Know

If you’re not familiar with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), you might be missing out on an opportunity to attract and retain top talent, while also enjoying significant tax savings. The WOTC is a tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced barriers to employment. These groups include veterans, individuals with disabilities, ex-felons, recipients of certain public assistance benefits, summer youth employees, vocational rehabilitation referrals, and more.

The WOTC was established by the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 and has been extended multiple times since its inception. By offering tax incentives to employers who hire individuals from these target groups, the WOTC not only benefits employers, but also helps to create economic opportunities for individuals who need them most.

What’s In It for You

The WOTC has the potential to provide significant tax savings for employers. The credit available ranges from $2,400 up to $9,600, depending on the targeted group and qualified wages paid to the new employee generally during the first year of employment. Generally, the credit is 40% of qualified first-year wages for individuals who work 400+ hours in their first year of employment. This can result in substantial savings for businesses of all sizes, resulting in funds that can be reinvested in the company.

Aside from the financial benefits, the WOTC offers employers the chance to contribute positively to their communities by fostering economic empowerment for individuals from diverse backgrounds.

How it Works

To take advantage of the WOTC, employers must apply for and receive a certification verifying the new hire is a member of a targeted group. This can be accomplished by completing IRS Form 8850, together with ETA Form 9061 or ETA Form 9062, and submitting them to the state workforce agency in which your business is located within 28 calendar days after the new hire’s start date. After the required certification is secured, taxable employers claim the WOTC as a general business credit against their income taxes, and tax-exempt employers claim the WOTC against their payroll taxes. Read more from the Department of Labor.

While the process requires additional administrative effort, the potential tax savings and positive impact on communities make it well worth the investment.

How You Can Benefit

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to benefit financially from the WOTC while also making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals facing barriers to employment. Counter Point has a solution to automate WOTC administration. This tool will identify eligible employees, apply for tax credits, while alleviating the burden of administration and compliance. 

Schedule a call to learn more.

HR Attorney vs. Consultant: Which is Best for Your Business?

Business leaders within small companies continually strive to do more with less. One area in which corners cannot be cut is compliance. When resources are limited, you may be wondering what solution is better to meet all obligations – seek help from an HR attorney or an HR consultant. Both play significant roles in managing and advising on HR matters, but they have distinct functions, expertise, and responsibilities. Here’s a breakdown of their differences:

HR Consultant

Roles and Areas of Expertise:

  • HR consultants provide advice on HR best practices, policies, and procedures. They often help organizations develop and implement effective HR strategies.
  • They typically possess extensive knowledge in various HR areas such as recruitment, employee relations, performance management, compensation and benefits, training and development, and organizational development.
  • HR consultants are often brought in for specific projects such as restructuring, change management, employee engagement surveys, or to address specific HR challenges.
  • While they provide guidance on compliance with labor laws and regulations, they do not offer legal advice or represent clients in legal matters.

Typical Services:

  • Designing and implementing HR policies and procedures.
  • Conducting HR audits and assessments.
  • Developing and delivering training programs.
  • Advising on talent management and succession planning.
  • Assisting with organizational development and change management.

HR Attorney

Roles and Areas of Expertise:

  • HR attorneys provide legal advice on employment and labor law matters. They ensure that organizations comply with federal, state, and local employment laws and regulations.
  • They have in-depth knowledge of legal issues related to employment, including discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, wage and hour laws, employee contracts, and labor relations.
  • HR attorneys represent organizations in legal proceedings, such as lawsuits, arbitration, and negotiations with unions. They can draft and review legal documents, represent clients in court, and handle disputes.
  • They help organizations mitigate legal risks by advising on the legal implications of HR decisions and policies.

Typical Services:

  • Providing legal counsel on compliance with employment laws and regulations.
  • Drafting and reviewing employment contracts, handbooks, and policies.
  • Representing clients in employment-related litigation and disputes.
  • Conducting workplace investigations and advising on disciplinary actions.
  • Advising on labor relations and collective bargaining.

Who Will It Be?

Whether an HR attorney is better than an HR consultant depends on the organization’s needs and circumstances. An HR attorney is better when dealing with legal disputes, complex legal issues, high-risk situations, and ensuring strict compliance with employment laws. On the other hand, an HR consultant is better suited for strategic HR initiatives, operational efficiency, and general HR management. They provide valuable insights into HR best practices and help organizations develop and implement effective HR strategies. 

We’ll call this match up a tie. In most cases, organizations benefit from leveraging both HR attorneys and HR consultants. To learn more, schedule a call with a Counter Point HCM Consultant.

Cash Balance Pension Plans: Are They Right for Your Business?

Counter Point’s Senior HCM Consultant, Ron Lustberg, recently sat down with Steven Puckett of Fiduciary Pension Partners and Denise Herrick of SNAP TPA LLC for a brief, yet informative webinar to discuss a retirement plan and plan design that brings maximum benefits to business owners. With Cash Balance Pension Plans, employees have the opportunity to put away more money for retirement than with traditional 401k plans. The benefits of a Cash Balance Pension Plan vs. a traditional benefit plan include:

  • A significant tax advantage over profit-sharing plans
  • No contribution limits
  • Money can be taken out in the form of a monthly annuity or cash out as a lump sum payout
  • Ability to roll over to existing 401k or profit-sharing plan, or IRA
  • Manageable administrative burden – similar to that of a 401k plan

Learn more about Cash Balance Pension Plans, the benefits, and plan design considerations. Click here to access the 15-minute webinar.

Considerations for Hiring Seasonal Employees

Every year as summer approaches, many businesses look to meet heightened demand during their busy season by hiring seasonal employees. Others seek to employ college students who are on break as a way to build their talent pipeline and help augment their workforce. Whatever the reason, bringing on temporary workers comes with challenges and considerations. Here is what companies need to know when hiring seasonal staff.


Communicate salary expectations with prospective interns, clarifying whether the position is paid or unpaid, and if there are additional benefits such as stipends or bonuses. Outline compensation details, including hourly rates or fixed amounts, ensuring interns understand their financial arrangements before accepting the position.

Ensure the intern understands the role by providing clear expectations and goals, and by outlining responsibilities. Determine whether the internship is part of the intern’s educational program. If so, you may be required to include integrated coursework or receipt of credit. Foster a supportive environment that promotes growth, learning, and professional development, while also protecting their rights. While internships are a great way to scout future talent, be sure to communicate there is no guaranteed employment following an internship. 

Worker Classification

Just like with permanent employees, you need to assess if your seasonal staff are independent contractors or employees based on labor law guidelines. Classification of employees determines their pay structure and eligibility for overtime. Employees classified as exempt must be paid on a salary basis and are not entitled to overtime pay. Employees classified as non-exempt (hourly) do not pass the duties test and must be paid overtime based on 40 hours in a workweek (in most states). 

A new rule under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is in effect starting July 1, 2024. Most salaried workers who earn less than $844 per week will become eligible for overtime pay. On January 1, 2025, most salaried workers who make less than $1,128 per week will become eligible for overtime pay. Wage law violations from misclassification can be costly, so it’s important to keep on top of any changes.

Minimum Working Age

Be aware of both the FLSA rules and their state’s laws whenever employing people under 18 years old. As a general rule, the FLSA sets 14 years old as the minimum age for employment and limits the number of hours worked by minors under the age of 16.

Health Benefits

Seasonal workers aren’t typically offered company health insurance, 401(k), or other benefits you’d normally extend to your full-time employees. When it comes to ACA and determining whether you are an applicable large employer (ALE) with 50 or more full-time employees, it’s important to understand the definition of a seasonal employee. To be classified as an ACA seasonal employee, the duration of the employment is six months or less and the job is performed around the same approximate time each year.

Time Off Policies

Finally, make sure seasonal workers have your handbook/time off policy and understand how to request it. Be aware of state-mandated sick leave, which applies to seasonal and part-time workers as well. 

Are you hiring seasonal employees? Whether you’re looking to bring on board temporary or permanent, full-time staff members, we can help. Contact us today.

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